Portable game console expansion board for the BBC micro:bit


Sold by Fabien Chouteau's store


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BBC micro:bit V1 included!

Micro:Gamer is a portable game console extension for the micro:bit board. It features a 128x64 monochrome OLED screen, six buttons (plus the two buttons of the micro:bit), a buzzer for sound and a 2xAAA battery holder. The micro:bit is inserted in the back of the board, like a game cartridge on the GameBoy.

The Micro:Gamer can be programmed with the Arduino IDE using a library derived from the Arduboy. Since the Arduboy and Micro:Gamer have the same screen and buttons, it is very easy to port games from the Arduboy to the Micro:Gamer.

There are 11 games available out of the box:


  • 2xAAA batteries (Alkaline or rechargeable)

Getting started:

  • Follow the first page of AdaFruit's micro:bit guide for the Arduino IDE:

Micro:bit with Arduino

  • Install the Arduino Micro:Gamer library:

    • In the Arduino IDE select from the menus: Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries...
    • In the Library Manager Filter your search... field enter microgamer.
    • Click somewhere within the MicroGamer entry.
    • Click on the Install button.
  • Install your first game:

    • In the Arduino IDE, select from the menus: File > Examples > MicroGamer -> ArduBreakout
    • Connect your micro:bit board
    • In the Arduino IDE, click on the Upload button (arrow in a circle)

Links to code and documentation

Documentation (hackaday.io)

Code (github.com)

Shipping policy

No information available.

The seller

Fabien Chouteau's store

Angers, France
1 order since Jan 6, 2022