A hand-solderable SMD/TH module w/ RP2040 MCU+8MB FLASH, LDO, LiPo charger, reset btn, and Neopixel. Breaks out all GPIO+USB+SWD+BOOTSEL+RST

RP2040 Stamp

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The Uno form-factor Carrier lets you quickly get started with the Stamp
The headers make it easier to use the Stamp as a removable module
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The RP2040 Stamp is a hand-solderable SMD/TH module that integrates the Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU with 8MB of FLASH, an LDO, LiPo charge management (including a charge LED), a reset button, and a Neopixel. It breaks out all the GPIOs as well as USB, SWD, BOOTSEL, RST, and the voltage pins.

If you want to get into the technical stuff, see the RP2040 Stamp Datasheet to learn even more!

Block Diagram

RP2040 Stamp Block diagram


The Stamp was created to allow you to use the Raspberry Pi RP2040 in your designs without having to solder small-pitch QFN chips or worry about lots of external circuitry.

All you need to get you started is a 5V supply or a LiPo battery. The Stamp will take care of the charging and switching the power sources.

The castellated edges with 2mm pitch can be hand-soldered directly to a carrier board or by using pin headers. You can find footprints for many PCB programs including KiCad (5 and 6), Eagle CAD, and EasyEDA here.


RP2040 Stamp Dimensions

At only 1 by 1 inch (25mm x 25mm), the Stamp packs a lot of features:

  • 8MB of FLASH
  • 500mA 3.3V LDO
  • All 30 GPIOs broken out
  • A Neopixel
  • LiPo supply and charging circuit (with charging LED)
  • USB broken out
  • SWD broken out
  • Reset Button
  • 12MHz crystal

and of course, everything that comes with the Raspberry Pi RP2040 itself:

  • Dual core ARM Cortex-M0+ @ 133MHz
  • 264kB SRAM
  • 2 UARTs
  • 2 SPIs
  • 2 I2Cs
  • 16 PWM channels
  • USB with Host and Device support

The RP2040 MCU comes with a pre-programmed ROM UF2 Bootloader, by pulling the BOOTSEL pin low and resetting, or by double-pressing the RESET button (if the FW supports it), you can upload new firmware using the USB disk drive.

The RP2040 Stamp board comes pre-flashed with CircuitPython 7.1.0-beta.1, if you want to use it with CircuitPython, it's recommended that you check for the latest version here and if there is one, update it according to the method mentioned above.

In addition to the Stamp, we also offer a reference design - the RP2040 Stamp Carrier.


RP2040 Stamp Pinout

What you get

  • An RP2040 Stamp module
  • A pinout and functionality reference sheet
  • (Optionally) 4x 10pin 2mm headers
  • (Optionally) A RP2040 Stamp Carrier board

RP2040 Stamp


There are already people in the community using the RP2040 Stamp in their projects, here are some highlights:

Timon from Diodes Delight has an RP2040 Stamp to Compute Module 4 board in the works, he plans to use it with his Piunora board, it even has HDMI!

Stamp to CM4

Luke Wren is working on an RP2040 Stamp-powered StampBoy that fits into an AliExpress Gameboy

StampBoy StampBoy

Ruth Ivimey-Cook is working on an RP2040 Stamp-based Solar-powered Water Pump Controller

Water Pump Controller

Flávio Amieiro has an RP2040 Stamp-based Neopixel Pico Arcade, which is a simple mini game with LEDs for a screen and controlled by an NES controller

Arcade Arcade

Before committing to the RP2040 Stamp-based design, they tested their proof of concept using the RP2040 Stamp Carrier:

Carrier Arcade

Note: When buying 20+ pcs, contact us and we will refund the additional item shipping cost (you'll only have to pay the base shipping cost).

Links to code and documentation

Documentation (rp2040-stamp.solder.party)

Code (github.com)

Design Files (github.com)

Schematics (github.com)

Certified Open Source Hardware - OSHW SE000013

Shipping policy

We usually package the orders during the weekend and drop them off on Monday.

Here are some extras that might be useful for your project!

The seller

Solder Party

Malmö, Skane, Sweden
2125 orders since Oct 13, 2021
At Solder Party, we work on creating products that are easy to use and help you develop your projects.
We’re always focusing on innovating and chasing the next product that can make your ideas become a reality.
Solder Party AB is based in Malmö, Sweden. All orders are shipped from the EU.