A quiic compatible TMP117 temperature sensor board, aluminium PCB

TMP117-mini temperature sensor breakout board

Sold by Makerprobe's store


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Do you want the board as it is, or with the address bit jumper pre-soldered to 0 or 1?
Stock available: 12

A temperature sensor board built around the TMP117, compatible with SparkFun's quiic system.

  • small: 8.5 x 10 mm
  • accurate: The TMP117 has
    • +/- 0.1 K (typ) over the whole -50° to 150° C temperature range
    • +/- 0.05 K (typ) between -40 to 70° C
  • this board does not use the less accurate "M" or "N" variant
  • ADD0 input configurable with a solder jumper
  • ALERT output to an LED and a testpoint if you need it externally
  • JST SH connector, quiic-compatible pinout
  • 1 mm aluminium PCB
  • no on-board voltage regulator and level shifting: you can only use it in 3V3 systems!

Important: If you get the variant without ADD0 pre-configured, you'll have to add the solder bridge yourself to configure the sensor's I2C address.

See here for quiic:


The small aluminium PCB makes it well suited for applications where you need low thermal resistance, and it integrates well into your existing prototyping environment.

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Product HS Code: 90251980

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The seller

Makerprobe's store

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
10 orders since Oct 4, 2023
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